About the Artist


Hi, I am Trinity!
Welcome to my store! 

 My greatest passion is making art; I make semi-realistic digital art. I also like sculpting. I like drawing people the most, but I'm trying to branch out. 

Family and friends often ask me for copies of my art or ask me for commissions, so my family and I thought starting a store that builds a place where I can share what I have created would be a great way to fulfill those requests.  

I have two big goals right now. My Japanese class is going on its normally bi-annual trip to Japan this June, 2023. Due to pandemic uncertainties, the trip finally became possible this year, but on short notice for such an costly adventure! However, I work as a swimming instructor several days a week in addition to setting up this store, so I know every bit will help me get there! I do want to further my education post high school, so I will keep going with my store after the Japan trip to save money for college. Like I said, every bit will help me get there!  So, thank you for your interest and support of m art.

We chose Gelato to fulfill our orders because they have high-quality products with a sustainable shipping system.  Both qualities are important to me.  

     This is a self-portrait in one of my favorite sweaters and when I had dyed my hair green.  

I have three cats: Sushi, a male, is annoying as all-get-out, but he has a sophisticated bowtie on his collar, so it doesn't matter; Vanilla is a female, I love her, she is sweet, soft, and FLUFFY; Silver is our 17-year-old outdoor cat that I have no idea how she is still alive.

I am a doll collector, and I enjoy putting them all over my room to scare guests. Speaking of which, I am very proud of the décor in my room, it is an organized eclectic bat cave. It is full of pictures of my favorite art, my record player, and my many K-pop albums. It is a cozy place to be.

I created the name Teddy Bear from my initials, T. B. Later on it became Teddee Bear just for the fun double letters to make a unique brand name for me.


 A summer portrait taken near an old warehouse.

While I have enjoyed entering my local state fair's youth art division, there is another local program for artists that I was accepted to participate that really blew me away: the Boise Traffic Box Wrap Program. The second year I applied I was chosen!  I got to design my own box with anything I wanted. It was hard, but very good to learn how city contracts work. We have included the art from it on some of the items. 

You can view my box here: https://www.boiseartsandhistory.org/explore/collections/traffic-box-art/the-way-out

Thank you for coming to my store! I hope you find something you like! I am working on a pretty big project series right now, so I look forward to spring when it needs to be ready!
